Ball of Confusion

Europe Calling show

Summary: Spain wants to see the Schengen treaty modified to allow border controls to be restored to limit the movements of Islamic fighters returning to Europe from the Middle East, a report said on Sunday. Joblessness fell in Spain by over a quarter of a million in 2014, a record in the struggling eurozone economy Schoolbook authors have been told not to write about sausages or pigs for fear of causing offence. Guidance from leading educational publisher the Oxford University Press prohibits authors from including anything that could be perceived as pork-related in their books. The 'lenient' suspended sentence handed to a teacher convicted of having sex with a 16-year-old pupil at school and at home cannot be reviewed because of a legal loophole, it was revealed today. The UK government promised the 2012 Olympic Games would ‘inspire a generation’ to become more active, but pupils spend less time in sport and PE classes now than they did four years ago. A notorious police killer has received more than £250,000 in legal aid, helping him to launch a string of ‘absurd’ human rights cases from jail. David Bieber, 48, used part of the taxpayer-funded sum to sue the prison service on four occasions – even claiming that he should be moved to a more comfortable cell. Just when you thought the world of football couldn’t sink any lower, the head of the players’ union, Gordon Taylor, compares the story of convicted rapist Ched Evans to the Hillsborough tragedy.