Episode 39 – Earth VS The Spider

Gizmonic Institute Radio: Your MST3K Companion show

Summary: <a href="http://supertotallyawesome.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/iTunesNewGIR.png"></a><br> My audio log has a first name, it’s E-A-R-T-H! My audio log has a second name, it’s S-P-I-D-E-R! This week is a very musical audio log where we work on cooking up a bunch of different jingles for a very specific product. Jeff even does a rap! We have fun here.<br> We also discuss MST3K Season 3 Episode 13, Earth VS The Spider. There are a lot of questionable things in this movie, like the decision to store the corpse of a giant spider inside a 1950s high school science classroom. For example. It’s also one of the few episodes on which Seth and Jeff have a differing opinion, which makes for some interesting discussion as well.<br> Once you’re done enjoying our songs and MST3K talk, head over to our <a title="Our facebook page!" href="https://www.facebook.com/gizmonicinstituteradio" target="_blank">Facebook page</a> and join the discussion about all things MST3K, follow us on <a title="Follow us!" href="http://twitter.com/MST3K_Podcast" target="_blank">Twitter</a>, and if you’re feeling extra happy because of all of our great singing, go to our <a title="Leave us a review!" href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/gizmonic-institute-radio-your/id494483050?mt=2" target="_blank">iTunes page</a> and leave us a nice review.<br> Thank you for listening!<br>