Welcome to the NEW EYE of the SEER Show!

Eye of the Seer show

Summary: After nearly a four year hiatus, metaphysican and Bishop Dr. +Bryan D. Ouellette returns to EYE of the SEER with an entirely new format and a new cohost, featuring metaphysical freelance writer, social worker, and Neo-Wiccan High Priestess Amanda Lee Morris, MSW. Together, they will bring to you an endlessly engaging discussion on the subjects of Esoteric Mysticism, Spirituality, Divination, Tarot, Runes, I Ching, Meditation, Yoga, Jungian Psychology, Archetypal Systems, Gnosticism, Magick, Voodoo, Witchcraft, Mythology, Ritual, Religion, Occultism, Astrology, and in the classic spirit of the original show, the paranormal! This is just a tip of the iceberg! It's going to be a wild ride! Come and join us for it! In this first episode of the new show, Bryan and Amanda discuss their long-awaited new book on the subject of Esoteric Mysticism. They will also introduce their high-level tarot training program that starts in March, as well as hint at many additional future projects coming to their new website at www.esotericmysticism.org.