191 Task Management

The Voluntary Life show

Summary: Whatever you want to get done in life, a task management app is the most valuable productivity tool that I can recommend to help you. In this episode, I explain what a task management app is and outline why it is so useful. I provide examples of how I use a task management app to help reach my goals, as well as some tips for power users. Topics covered include: Origins of task management apps and some current examplesThe benefits of a task management app over simple "to do" lists.The inefficiency of switching tasks and the value of focussed workHow to use an app to create well-defined tasks that are easier to completeThe power of filtering your commitments by contextThe value of checklists and how a task manager can store themcreating your own "perspectives" on tasksThe most valuable feature to look for in a task management app: filtering by availability Show Notes: Omnifocus App by OmnigroupThings App by Cultured CodeThe Checklist Manifesto by Atul Gawande Listen to Episode 191 (22 mins)