Minus The Bear

Air-Raid show

Summary: <p>This week drummer for the band <a href="http://minusthebear.com/">Minus The Bear</a>, Erin Tate, stops by The Backyard to talk about being a father on tour, the origins of the band, and how he decided to surround himself with music by starting new projects like <a href="http://handofthehills.bandcamp.com/releases">Hand of the Hills </a>and his management company <a href="http://phonehomemgmt.com/">Phone Home Mgmt</a>.</p> <p>Music Featured In This Week's Episode: <a href="http://minusthebear.com/">Minus The Bear</a>, <a href="http://www.timkasher.com/">Tim Kasher</a>, <a href="http://handofthehills.bandcamp.com/releases">Hand of The Hills</a></p>