Friday Phone Call # 32: Erik Ehn, Morgan Jenness & Melanie Joseph on This Is How We Do It

HowlRound Theatre Commons' Podcasts show

Summary: By David Dower. OK, guys. We got a little wild here. I wanted to talk to people involved with the Foundry's This Is How We Do It event which we streamed some weeks back . So it was going to be five people. And I messed up the start time so two of them weren't able to join us. While we were waiting to see if they would join us, the conversation started rolling between Morgan Jenness, Melanie Joseph, and Erik Ehn. So I just started recording it from the middle of it and let them talk to each other. You're going to be coming in at the deep end. I know you can swim—stay with it and let it reveal itself slowly to you. I promise it is worth it! First you hear Melanie restate a question to Erik. Then him responding. Soon Morgan is in the mix as well. And these...