Friday Phone Call # 45: Jeni Mahoney of Seven Devils Playwrights Conference in McCall, Idaho

HowlRound Theatre Commons' Podcasts show

Summary: By David Dower. Today I talk with Jeni Mahoney about the Seven Devils Playwrights Conference in McCall, Idaho, where she is the Artistic Director. If this group is new to you, take a look at their New Play Map entry . They've got an outstanding record of impacting playwrights and plays through this developmental conference each summer. After our conversation, Jeni wrote to go deeper into her own personal challenges and preoccupations as they intersected the topics in the call. So this week you have both reading and listening to do. Part of what I so love about being part of HowlRound and the Commons is how it gives the mic to folks who rarely get it, regardless of their commitment and contribution to the sector. Over to you, Jeni! Listen to weekly podcasts hosted by David Dower as he interviews theater artists from around the country to highlight #newplay bright spots. You...