Episode 257: “This dream today embattled, With its back against the wall – To save the dream for one, It must be saved for all.”

Our Hen House show

Summary: Welcome to the 257th episode of Our Hen House, featuring interviews with Giacomo Marchese and Dani Taylor of PlantBuilt, and Alokparna Sengupta of Humane Society International/India.<br> On today’s episode, we’ll talk about our newest addition to our already-weird morning drink; our new adventures in a very painful healing art; and how annoying it is when obviously unenlightened people call us on our shit. We’ll discuss fair-trade gifts for this holiday season, and when (and why) <a href="http://www.vegkitchen.com/book-reviews/vegan-food-gifts-by-joni-marie-newman/" target="_blank">DIY vegan gifts</a> should be on Santa’s list. We’ll give you a glimpse into what the world would look like if an alien from another planet beamed down and saw how we were treating animals, and then we’ll give you the latest in “Rising Anxieties.”<br> Today we have two guest segments. First, joining us are Giacomo Marchese and Dani Taylor, the muscle-y masterminds behind <a href="http://www.plantbuilt.com/">PlantBuilt</a>, an athletic movement that is infiltrating bodybuilding competitions everywhere, with vegans coming out on top.<br> Then, joining us will be Alokparna Sengupta, the Deputy Director for <a href="http://www.hsi.org/">Humane Society International/India</a> and the campaign manager for <a href="http://www.hsi.org/world/india/work/end_animal_testing/be_cruelty_free/be_cruelty_free.html">Be Cruelty-Free, India</a>, which successfully persuaded the Indian government to ban the testing of animals for cosmetics and the import of animal-tested cosmetics in the country.<br> All that, vegan banter, and of course, current events from the world of animal rights.<br> You can listen to our podcast directly on our website (beneath this paragraph!) or you can listen and subscribe on <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/our-hen-house/id350069146" target="_blank">iTunes</a> or <a href="http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/jasmin-singer/our-hen-house" target="_blank">Stitcher</a>! Also, if you like what you hear, please rate it on iTunes and Stitcher, and don’t forget to leave us a friendly comment! Of course, we would be thrilled if you would also consider <a href="http://www.ourhenhouse.org/donate" target="_blank">making a donation</a>, or becoming a <a href="https://donatenow.networkforgood.org/ourhenhouse" target="_blank">member of our flock</a> (especially if you’re a regular listener). Any amount is hugely appreciated and Our Hen House is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, so it’s tax-deductible! You can also <a href="http://www.ourhenhouse.org/stuff-2/dedicate-a-podcast-episode/" target="_blank">dedicate a podcast episode</a>! Don’t forget – we’re reader and listener supported. Plus, we offer some fantastic <a href="http://www.ourhenhouse.org/stuff-2/" target="_blank">thank you gifts</a> for your donations. Thank you for helping us create quality content, and for helping us bring you a new podcast episode each week! The Our Hen House theme song is written and sung by the incredible <a href="http://michaelharren.com/" target="_blank">Michael Harren</a>.  Special thanks to OHH Media Coordinator <a href="http://farmersmarketvegan.wordpress.com/" target="_blank">Alessandra Seiter</a> for acting as the Associate Producer of the Our Hen House podcast!<br> “This dream today embattled, With its back against the wall – To save the dream for one, It must be saved for all.” ~Langston Hughes<br>