Episode 260: “You may never know what results come of your actions, but if you do nothing, there will be no results.”

Our Hen House show

Summary: Welcome to the 260th episode of Our Hen House, featuring an interview with Tara Baxter, a review of DIY beauty products by Alessandra Seiter, and a special appearance by James McWilliams.<br> On today’s episode –the first one of 2015 – we squawk about Sweden’s new use of the word “hen”; why we were hemming and hawing about moving and what that has to do with tofu scramble and purebred dogs; and we’ll celebrate a huge victory that you helped Our Hen House to accomplish. Plus, we’ll give you a glimpse into this year’s upcoming plans that we have in store for changing the world for animals. There will be lots of “Rising Anxieties” today, too; and, as a bonus, author and historian <a href="http://james-mcwilliams.com">James McWilliams</a> will be a special guest for one of our stories. He’ll also tell us all about his new book that’s coming out this week, <a href="http://james-mcwilliams.com/?page_id=5693">Modern Savage.</a><br> Then, joining us will be rabbit activist <a href="http://www.rabbitadvocacynetwork.org">Tara Baxter</a>, who will give us her take on the Whole Foods controversy involving the selling of rabbit meat. She’ll tell us about some of her campaign work in this realm, too.<br> For our review, Our Hen House’s own Alessandra Seiter — of <a href="http://farmersmarketvegan.wordpress.com/">Farmers Market Vegan</a> — will get our skin ready for the New Year, making our skin-less wallets happy while she’s at it, with her tips on cruelty-free, budget-friendly, DIY beauty products. Check out the following links for detailed information on how to recreate the DIY products featured in the review for yourself: <a href="https://farmersmarketvegan.wordpress.com/2013/07/30/natural-skincare-homemade-exfoliating-cleanser/">baking soda exfoiliating cleanser</a>, <a href="https://farmersmarketvegan.wordpress.com/2012/10/05/vegan-mofo-5-quickie-post-apple-cider-vinegar-white-tea-facial-toner-and-acne-scar-remover/">apple cider vinegar &amp; white tea facial toner</a>, and <a href="http://www.naturemoms.com/no-shampoo-alternative.html">“no-poo” hair care</a>.<br> All that, vegan banter, and of course, current events from the world of animal rights.<br> You can listen to our podcast directly on our website (beneath this paragraph!) or you can listen and subscribe on <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/our-hen-house/id350069146" target="_blank">iTunes</a> or <a href="http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/jasmin-singer/our-hen-house" target="_blank">Stitcher</a>! Also, if you like what you hear, please rate it on iTunes and Stitcher, and don’t forget to leave us a friendly comment! Of course, we would be thrilled if you would also consider <a href="http://www.ourhenhouse.org/donate" target="_blank">making a donation</a>, or becoming a <a href="https://donatenow.networkforgood.org/ourhenhouse" target="_blank">member of our flock</a> (especially if you’re a regular listener). Any amount is hugely appreciated and Our Hen House is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, so it’s tax-deductible! You can also <a href="http://www.ourhenhouse.org/stuff-2/dedicate-a-podcast-episode/" target="_blank">dedicate a podcast episode</a>! Don’t forget – we’re reader and listener supported. Plus, we offer some fantastic <a href="http://www.ourhenhouse.org/stuff-2/" target="_blank">thank you gifts</a> for your donations. Thank you for helping us create quality content, and for helping us bring you a new podcast episode each week! The Our Hen House theme song is written and sung by the incredible <a href="http://michaelharren.com/" target="_blank">Michael Harren</a>.  Special thanks to OHH Media Coordinator <a href="http://farmersmarketvegan.wordpress.com/" target="_blank">Alessandra Seiter</a> for acting as the Associate Producer of the Our Hen House podcast!<br> “You may never know what results come of your actions, but if you do nothing, there will be no results.” ~Mahatma Gandhi<br>