HPR1687: Podcast recommendations

Hacker Public Radio show

Summary: Linux / Floss Podcasts Dudmonovi: Wish it was still going. I really like Dude Man's ideas. (http://feeds.feedburner.com/DudmanoviBlogAboutEverything) Floss Weekly: I skip some of these because they do not apply to something I would use. (http://leo.am/podcasts/floss/) GNU World Order: Klaatu is pretty similar to me. (http://gnuworldorder.info/ogg.xml) HPR: Obviously (http://hackerpublicradio.org/hpr_rss.php) Health Nutz: Not specifically Linux related, but the guys come from the community and who doesn't need to look after their health. (http://feeds.feedburner.com/podnutz/healthnutz) Kernal Panic Oggcast: Good general news. (http://kernelpanicoggcast.net/rss.php) The Linux Link Tech Show: Pretty light on Linux content these days, but I typically enjoy the conversation. (http://www.thelinuxlink.net/tllts/tllts.rss) Linux Voice: companion to the magazine (http://www.linuxvoice.com/podcast_ogg.rss) Linux Lug Cast: Frequently on the show (http://feeds.feedburner.com/linuxlugcast/JZUx) Open Source Musicians Podcast: Although I don't do much with audio production these days I still enjoy listening to it and hoping that one day I'll have time to get back into it. (http://opensourcemusician.libsyn.com/rss) Linux Action Show and Linux Unplugged: I've been suprised with the quality of Jupiter Broadcasting shows recently. I had dropped this show for a long time but I have recently begun listening to it again. (http://feeds.feedburner.com/computeractionshowvideo) (http://feeds.feedburner.com/linuxunogg) Linux Outlaws: May it rest in peace. This is the podcast that got me started in Linux. Without it I would still be using Macs....shudder. (http://feeds.feedburner.com/linuxoutlaws) Pop Culture General Podcasts Podculture: Local folks who talk about nerdy things. (http://www.podculture.com/feed/) The Mindrobbers: This show is run by a writer from my gernal area named Scott Carelli. I orginially heard of him through Podculture. I've followed his various podcasts for many years and this is the most recent incarnation. Although sometimes I don't always agree with his opinions I do always look forward to hearing them. (http://www.mindrobber.net/feed/) Trekcast: My first undying love in this world is Star Trek. (http://trekcast.podbean.com/feed/) The Doctor's Companion: Another podcast by Scott Carelli and gang. Good American centreic view of Doctor Who, another of my favorite shows. (http://www.thedoctorscompanion.us/?feed=rss2) The Babylon Podcast: This show isn;t in production anymore, but if you are a fan of Babylon 5 (which I am) this is a great show that breaks down each episode, and interviews many of the stars from the show. (