Transcendent Sex: When Lovemaking Opens the Veil

EFT Radio  show

Summary: "There  really is something better than sex--by orders of magnitude. And it doesn't leave sex behind. It's lovemaking that shatters reality, opens new dimensions, rips the veil between worlds, and produces ecstasies a thousand times more powerful than the most exquisite orgasm. It's lovemaking so spectacular that is literally is a religious experience." ~ Jennifer Wade, Ph.D. This week's guest is Dr. Jenny Wade is the author of Transcendent Sex: When Lovemaking Opens the Veil and numerous other books and articles on sex, altered states of consciousness, and their transformational power.   We will discuss Just what is transcendent sex? Who has it? and How do I make it happen? What is the experience like? How do people describe it? How is this different than Tantra, Taoist sex practices or a Kundalini awakening? Is transcendent sex the sign that your partner is "the One?" Transcendent sex as an altered state of consciousness The Dark Side of Transcendent Sex Dr. Jenny Wade is a lecturer, researcher, and consultant who specializes in the structuring of awareness, especially the spontaneous openings and intentional practices that expand human potential by accessing hidden or unused innate capacities.  She is a developmental psychologist who studies processes that open gateways to greater possibility than is considered normal in everyday existence, but that is potentially available to all human beings.  EXCLUSIVE GIFT for my EFT Radio Listeners - Subscribe to The Love Nest to INSTANTLY receive your FREE PDF copy of Manifest Your SoulMate with EFT