When is it Time to Quit Your J O B and Really Start Your EFT Business?

EFT Radio  show

Summary: Torn Between Two Vocations? It may not exactly make a great Top 40 song but it does hold truth for many EFT practitioners and their EFT business. We have witnessed many a practitioner who out of fear holds on too long to a job they hate but are scared to let go of. The time and energy it requires to straddle a full time job and start an EFT practice often has both ventures realizing mediocre results. In this podcast we will explore the advantages, disdavantages and issues that need to be weighed in making this life changing decision. If you are ready to hear some straight talking and make a real change, then listen in to Craig Weiner, DC and Alina Frank,the hosts of EFT Mastering Business Acumen Radio, creators of the affiliated EFT MBA Practitioner Success Program. They are professional speakers, authors and EFT trainers for EFT Universe (EFTU), the Alternative Healthcare Professionals (AHP) network and Matrix Reimprinting (MR). Further information can be found at EFTtappingtraining.com