CBR Extra: Meeting of the Malts III

Craft Beer Radio Podcast show

Summary: On Thursday January 22 The Brewers of Pennsylvania Trade Association had the Meeting of the Malts III in Pittsburgh PA at the Priory. There was a panel discussion with Bill Covaleski from Victory Brewing company, Chris Troegner from Troegs Brewing company, and Scott Smith from east end brewing company. The moderator is Bob Batz Jr. from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. This podcast is the recording of that panel discussion. <a href="http://brewersofpa.org">Brewers of PA</a> <a href="http://www.victorybeer.com/">Victory Brewing Company</a> <a href="http://www.troegs.com/">Troegs Brewing Company</a> <a href="http://www.eastendbrewing.com/">East End Brewing Company</a>