Podcast Episode 004: Mindset, Motivation, Mastery and Money

Go and Glow! with Natasha Cole show

Summary: Hey Glowers! This podcast episode is about improving in the 4 important areas of our lives: Mindset, Motivation, Mastery and Money and finding ways to work around the distractors and the disruptors that keep us from getting serious about building our businesses. Have you gotten so close to getting your business off the ground, or mastering a skillset, or saving almost enough money to put a down payment on your dream home - only to have distractions that are really just a part of your regularly scheduled program get in the way of your success? Well, take a listen to this episode to learn tips for being successful, achieving your goals and breaking your cycle of mediocrity. And as a bonus, find out how to get your friends and family to jump on the success train and jumpstart their businesses as well! Join us on Monday nights at 8pm EST. for my #GoandGlowPowerHour teleclass on Marketing, Branding, Implementation and Personal Development strategies to Go and Glow in your being, business, brand and blog! Call in to (530) 881-1212 with access code 433-149-486. It's free! And visit my website at GoandGlowProject.com for more information. Or email me at GoandGlowProject@gmail.com.