#110: Part II, The Competency Dictionary

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Summary: This is part II of the Competency Dictionary series. This week on CIO Playbook with Jeffrey Hurley I am continuing the interview distinction series with a sub-series called the competency dictionary. In this new series I will be going through a set of competencies that can be added to the core and leadership competencies as you develop your performance expectations for the roles you create and recruit for in your organization. In episodes 107 and 108 I cover the core competencies and leadership competencies.In episode 109 I covered ten competencies listed below: Analytical thinker Assertive Big picture thinker Building partnerships Building strategic working relationships Building trust Building effective networks Business process expert Champion of succession management Confident presenter This week's selection from the competency dictionary add ten more competencies to the list above Delegating Responsibility Delegation responsibility is allocating decision-making authority and/or task responsibility to appropriate staff member to maximize the organization's and individual's effectiveness. Detail Oriented A detail oriented person values and maintains a high level of attentiveness to the intricate actions that support projects. A detail oriented person works to ensure that steps and requirements for action plans are clearly understood and acted upon. Detail orientation evaluates and pursues the consequences of changes to verify consistency throughout. Employs Marketing and Sales Knowledge Employing marketing and sales knowledge is understanding the concepts, methods, and theories of marketing. Employing marketing and sales knowledge is the application of various sales techniques. Energy Energy is consistently maintaining high levels of activity or productivity; sustaining long working hours when necessary; operating with vigor, effectiveness, and determination over extended periods of time. Facilitator A facilitator enables effective working relationships by managing interactions between individuals and among groups working on collective tasks. A facilitator promotes collective work between associates and groups with differing skills and perspectives to produce more inclusive and effective results. Fiscally Responsible A fiscally responsible person develops systems that mandate careful budgeting and close attention to financial resources. A fiscally responsible person encourages creative use of resources and careful accounting to ensure that project budgets are not overrun. Follow-up Follow-up is establishing procedures to monitor the results of delegations, assignments, or projects; taking into consideration the skills, knowledge, and experience of the assigned individual and characteristics of the assignment or project. Formal Presentation Being able to formally present is the ability to present ideas effectively to individuals or groups, delivering presentations suited to the characteristics and needs of the audience. Impact Impact is creating a good first impression, commanding attention and respect, showing an air of confidence. Influential An influential person convinces others to support an agenda or position based on valid data and the impact it will have on all. An influential person helps others see alternate perspectives beyond their personal or functional position. An influential person creates a specific, purposeful impact on others. Competency Dictionary We will continue working through the competency dictionary in the next post. Notes: Photo credit via flickr.com: Peter Wurst 44 Extraviewing: Innovative Ways to Hire the Best; Arthur Bell Interviewing: More Than a Gut Feeling; Richard S Deems Hiring the Right Person for the Right Job; Cecelia Dobrish, Rick Wolff, Brian Zevnik Effective Interviewing for Managers: Sizing Up People; John D Drake Interviewing for Managers: A Complete Guide to Employment Interviewing; John D Drake