Epsiode 169: Can’t Touch it for 21 Days…

Horde House - An Online Gaming Podcast show

Summary: A lot of the online gaming news this week focuses on Blizzard. Between Blizzcon and the Warlords launch, Blizzard is having a busy week! We are joined by special guest Salty of the Bitter & Salty podcast, who joins Rob in talking about their experiences at the show, including impressions of the exclusive footage of the Warcraft movie. Grandpa and Xtofer chime in with what they observed from partaking in the show at home. Grandpa brings us some Star Trek Online News, Xtofer has some some surprising thoughts on Assassin’s Creed: Unity and Grandpa has a very full mailbag tonight including e-mails on the woes of pre-ordering and Final Fantasy XIV’s cash shop. All this and MORE on the show about ALL things online gaming but NEVER too SRSLY- HORDE HOUSE! Tweet the show at http://www.twitter.com/hordehouse E-mail the show at hordehousepodcast@gmail.com Like us on Facebook! http://www.facebook.com/hordehouse Participate with Horde House each week on the VOG Network Wednesdays @ 7PM Pacific, 10PM Eastern http://VOGNetwork.com