Answering Tough Questions Tactically

Stand to Reason Weekly Podcast - Enhanced show

Summary: Host: Greg Koukl Commentary: Answering Tough Questions Tactically (00:00:00) Commentary: Fishing and Slogans (00:55:47) Commentary: Cultures and Morality (01:51:44) Caller/topic: 1. Is the Mosaic Law perfect? (00:29:03) 2. Does temptation come from the devil or our flesh? (00:45:16) 3. Is Molinism determinism? (01:20:11) 4. Morality is a social construct. (01:36:30) 5. How do you arrive at inerrancy? (01:59:59) 6. How do you explain morality? (02:15:41) 7. How do you make end-of-life decisions while respecting a human’s intrinsic rights? (02:32:09)