Podcast 013 – Dark Souls 2 lore on second half of The Iron Keep. Plus we’re hosting a competition!

The Dark Souls Two show

Summary: The Dark Souls Two want a new avatar competition: It's time for a new avatar and we want to see what you, the listeners, can do. - Submissions close 17th August 2014. - The Winning entrant will receive the Season Pass DLC on the platform of their choice. If the entrant already has the DLC an official Dark Souls 2 guide book will be offered in its place. - Something no smaller than 1024×576 is desirable, but the larger, and higher quality the better. - While the avatar will be square for the podcast, we would also hope to use it for Youtube and other media. As such it would be best to focus on a 16:9 ratio with a background that can be cropped to be square. - If you are looking to use our current font it is called Optimus Princepts and can be found online. The winning entry does not however require it to be considered. - Entries can be submitted to <a href="mailto:info@thedarksoulstwo.com" target="_blank">info@thedarksoulstwo.com</a>, <a href="http://www.twitter.com/thedarksoulstwo" target="_blank">twitter.com/thedarksoulstwo</a> or <a href="http://www.facebook.com/thedarksoulstwo" target="_blank">facebook.com/thedarksoulstwo</a>. - If you would like more information feel free to  ask. This week's listener question: Tell us your story of what got you hooked on the Dark Souls universe. Was it a glass shattering moment, or a slow rise that snuck up on you? Show Notes: - <a href="http://darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com/Regulation+1.08" target="_blank">Regulation patch 1.08</a> - <a href="http://www.twitch.tv/thedarksoulstwo/" target="_blank">Follow our twitch page here to get an update when we go live. </a>- <a href="http://www.youtube.com/thedarksoulstwo" target="_blank">Subscribe to our Youtube page for high quality twitch streams.</a>