#27 – Flywheels & Flailing Arms

Spokes and Words show

Summary: ...in which Randy runs to work, because riding a bike is too easy. Mike used to ride to work so that he would still be able to breathe after two minutes of dancing. Randy continues to debate which trailer he likes better: Surly or Bikes at Work.  Apparently, Mr Money Moustache has one. Even the four-wheeled Bikes at Work 96ADW trailer has nothing on Nico Jungel's machine from Berlin. Mike has some trouble securing cargo on his trailer.  Maybe the Jyrobike flywheel could help... We swear off talking about misbehaving drivers, then immediately talk about misbehaving drivers. Replacing drivetrain parts is like pulling a thread. [amazon text=Magnets&asin=B000COYMDK] are useful for picking up small parts dropped on the lawn. If anyone knows what kind of grocery delivery bike appeared in [amazon text=Harriet the Spy&asin=0440416795], we'd like to know!