Teen & Date Night Movies:: Family Movie Moms with OhAmanda {Ep 36}

Don't Mom Alone Podcast  show

Summary: As most of you know, Amanda White (from <a href="http://www.OhAmanda.com" target="_blank">OhAmanda.com</a>) and I have been chatting about movies (right here in <a title="Family Movie Moms :: Amanda White {GCM Ep 27}" href="http://godcenteredmom.com/2014/06/02/family-movie-moms-amanda-white-ep-27/" target="_blank">Episode 27 </a>and <a title="How to Train a Dragon 2 :: Family Movie Moms {Ep 31}" href="http://godcenteredmom.com/2014/07/01/how-to-train-a-dragon-2-family-movie-moms-ep-31/" target="_blank">Episode 31</a>) and labeling ourselves (maybe?) “Family Movie Moms”.<br> And we’re at it again.  This episode, however, is directed towards older kids and date nights. . .still family movies but for the older members of your family.<br> Because we talk about 5 different movies, this is a longer episode. We considered chopping it up into 5 episodes or two parts. But decided y’all are adults and can decide when to start &amp; stop based on your multi-tasking/podcast listening habits.<br> (**speaking of being adults. . . please note this may be an episode you choose to listen to with earbuds in, so little ones don’t hear about things which are inappropriate for their innocent spirits)<br> <a href="http://godcenteredmom.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/teendatenightmovies.jpg"></a><br> (poster pictures from IMDB.com. For more info on each film click titles below) <br> These are the movies we chat about:<br> <a href="http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1587310/" target="_blank">Maleficent</a><br> (PG with Angelina Jolie &amp; Elle Fanning)<br> <br> * example of a powerful person becoming evil &amp; humbled (like <a title="Hear the Whisper Wednesday" href="http://godcenteredmom.com/2011/06/15/hear-the-whisper-wednesday/" target="_blank">Nebuchadnezzar</a>)<br> * another story of true love being less about a boy/girl and more about family<br> * how revenge never works out and forgiveness is necessary<br> * an example of how even if you are sorry, your choices have consequences<br> * lack of a true “bad guy” (blurred lines of good vs. evil)<br> * (<a href="http://philvischer.com/category/the-phil-vischer-podcast/" target="_blank">Phil Vischer Podcast)</a><br> <br> <a href="http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2404181/" target="_blank">Belle</a><br> (PG with Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Matthew Goode, Emily Watson)<br> <br> * a historical piece, based on a true story, addressing topics of race, social standing, value of life, and human justice.<br> * a love story and a political/social commentary<br> * great movie to watch with a group and discuss around dessert/dinner<br> <br> <a href="http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2015381/" target="_blank">Guardians of the Galaxy</a><br> (PG-13 with Chris Pratt, Vin Diesel, Bradley Cooper)<br> <br> * the appeal of a superhero movie<br> * misfits coming together for one common cause–don’t have to be the greatest &amp; brightest to do great things.<br> * Groot (as in, “I am Groot”) demonstrates sacrificial giving/love<br> * “If the world thinks you should be 13 to see a movie, then you should be 13.”<br> * Toys for little kids that go with PG-13 movies<br> * (<a href="https://www.pley.com/invite/heathermacfadyen21315" target="_blank">Pleygo</a>–Lego subscription ** Affiliate Link)<br> <br> <a href="http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1980929/" target="_blank">Begin Again </a><br> (R with Adam Levine, Keira Knightley, Mark Ruffalo)<br> <br> * for those who love music and how music is created (any artist really)<br> * a story of redemption in careers and marriage. Going back to your first love.<br> * answers the question “is fame the best goal?”<br> <br> <a href="http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0435651/" target="_blank">The Giver </a><br> (PG-13 with Brenton Thwaites, Jeff Bridges, Meryl Streep)<br> <br> * a movie based off the Young Adult Fiction book by Lois Lowry