Two Questions for a Glorious Becoming :: Cari Trotter {Ep. 40}

Don't Mom Alone Podcast  show

Summary: Thanks y’all for patience as I just jumped from one podcast to another with no other post between. <br> Last week was a doooo-zy for me. In all realms–physical, emotional, &amp; spiritual–there were lies coming at me. (Don’t think ‘he’ was too excited I was speaking at a mom’s group about putting God in the center of our lives).<br> Do not be fooled. This world is a spiritual war zone. We can’t give our enemy too much credit, but we also can’t ignore him.<br> What do we do when the battle heat is on? <br> From personal experience, I chose to “phone a friend” (or more like ugly-cry-in-the-church-hallway-at-BSF). Speaking the lies out loud and having a fellow believer speak truth over me was my first line of defense. Next, I asked for prayer from friends and even from my Facebook page community (Are you hanging out over <a href="" target="_blank">there</a>?).<br> Most importantly, I read God’s Word for myself and wrapped that belt of Truth around my waist (Eph 6:14).<br> That’s why today’s podcast topic is so important to me. I would be doing y’all a huge disservice if you didn’t learn to read God’s Word and allow His Spirit to speak to you through it. <br> Today I’m introducing you to a new friend of mine, <a href="" target="_blank">Cari Trotter</a> who is going to help us read the Bible.<br> I am blown away by her outgoing personality and her passion for women to know God through His Word.<br> She is a gifted Bible teacher, wife to a H.S. Football coach and mom to 3 little ones. Beyond all that? She is a beautiful daughter of the Creator of the universe.<br> We all have the potential to walk towards our ‘legacy as a royal heir’–the glorious becoming. It starts, like Cari says, ‘by sticking your nose in His Word and discovering real answers to the questions you are asking.’<br> I truly pray after you hear this interview you will pick up your Bible, read a section (even one verse) and ask yourself the two questions Cari shares in today’s episode. That through the wisdom God provides and personal revelation, you will begin your glorious transformation. <br> What we chat about:<br> <br> * We just  jump right in . . .how labeling an area we want to work for God, gets a target on our back, yet we can walk inside grace in the hard stuff.<br> * Be still &amp; know God. . .what to do in the heat of spiritual battle<br> * Cari’s family. . .including her HS Football coach hubby.<br> * Our journey is not about a perfect walk, but one of faith.<br> * Cari’s over-riding passion is for women to know the Word of God–transforming heart knowledge.<br> * God doesn’t toss out who we were, He takes all of us and molds it into who He wants us to become.<br> * Where a woman can start studying God’s Word and how to make it real for herself.<br> * Word becomes flesh when we see &amp; know our identity in Christ.<br> * A story of leading a Bible study in prison–one gal’s realization that she was created on purpose by the God of the universe.<br> * The two questions to ask after you read 10-15 verses–“What questions am I asking?” and “What am I praying?”<br> * Ask God to give you the wisdom for the revelation of His Word.<br> * Having a time &amp; a space to spend with God, not in a legalistic way, but in a “need this or I fall” way.<br> * The difference of a day with at least 5 minutes in His Word. One verse. One prayer and His Holy Spirit.<br> * How a verse can transform when you read it one day to the next, providing just what you need to hear.<br> * Memorizing Scripture highlights certain phrases.<br> * The power of personal transformation from God’s Word.<br> <br> Connect with Cari:<br>