Analysis Cover-Up Autism Culture

Fairdinkum Radio show

Summary: 14.09.11 Fairdinkum Radio Show.mp3 Ep 535 Commentary This week in commentary we analyze:Easy Meat: Multiculturalism, Islam and Child Sex-Slavery, Girl Said She Was Beaten At Bus Stop For Acting 'Too' White, New UN human rights chief criticizes Australia's asylum seeker policy,  Kissinger Outlines “New World Order”, Hillary: ‘Climate Change Is Most Urgent, Consequential Challenge We Face’  Pope Francis And Shimon Peres Discuss The Establishment Of A ‘United Nations Of Religions’,Islamic center raided, Libya's boat people, and Italy's tragic folly. More... Ep 534 Islam Political Rape Correctness As we continue to look at the activities of Islam worldwide we look at: 1,400 Child Victims of Muslim Rape Gangs Discovered in Rotherham, Moderate Islam Is Multiculturalism Misspelled, Woman reportedly beheaded with machete, , Saudi King Warns of Terrorist Threat to Europe, US, The Islamic supremacist agenda and why it’s not “hate” to oppose it, Choudary: terrorism is “part of Islam”' Islamic State fighters using US arms: study, EX-CIA employee admits President Obama is a radical Islamic enemy of America, EU Ambassador to Iraq Admits: We're Funding ISIS by Buying Their Oil. More... Ep 533 Vaccines Whistle-blower Autism August 27 2014, William Thompson, a senior scientist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stepped forward to say that he and his CDC coauthors omitted key data showing a link between MMR vaccine and autism in African American children. The study was published in 2004 in the journal Pediatrics. “I regret that my coauthors and I omitted statistically significant information,” said Thompson in a statement issued through his attorney August 27. “The omitted data suggested that African American males who received the MMR vaccine before age 36 months were at increased risk for autism. Decisions were made regarding which findings to report after the data were collected, and I believe that the final study protocol was not followed.” Meryl Dorey of the Australian Vaccination-Skeptics Network joins me to discuss this ongoing vaccine fraud and cover up of vital information by scientists, vaccine manufacturers and Government oversight bodies. More...