Tips & Tricks for Trips plus Anti-Bullying Info

Express Yourself! show

Summary: Summertime is here and that means traveling. It’s time to leave your comfort zone, explore, experiment, and enjoy exciting new destinations. Hosts Youngjoo Ahn and Henna Hundal talk about their summer travel plans while offering tips and tricks for a healthy, happy vacation, whether it be to a foreign country or around the block. Health Beat Reporter, Nicole Eubanks, couldn’t be on the show but she gave her helpful trip tips to the hosts to share. Special guest is 14 year-old Mandalynn Carter, an actor, singer sassy stand-up comedian, and an outspoken advocate for anti-bullying. She stars in the feature film debuting this summer, A Horse for Summer with Dean Cain. Mandalynn also starred as Annie in The Dead Kid, which tells a bullying story from her perspective, a film currently on the world film festival circuit. She travels extensively for her work as an actor and was the series lead in Brenda Forever, a guest star on Scandal, a co-star on CSI-NY, a recurring character on Totally, as well as a supporting role in Machine Gun Preacher. She is touring Southern California schools with the troupe from Music is My Language promoting anti-bullying and her favorite place to work is Arizona. Whatever your summer plans, make sure to add travel to your itinerary. Discover new atmospheres find yourself in new adventures. Not only will your body get to enjoy a fresh and healthy change in scenery, but you’ll find yourself having a really awesome experience as well.