Rabble Rabble

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CHIRP Radio Podcasts show

Summary: <p> <img alt="" src="http://chirpradio.org/_/files/blog/RR.jpg" style="width: 40%; height: 40%; float: right;">Alli Klein caught up with <a href="http://www.rabblerabblemusic.com/">Rabble Rabble</a> at Cafe Mustache to discuss their heavy new album, <em>Brain Hole</em>; what it's like being one of the only bands on Logan Hardware's label; and finding your identiy within social media's confines. And bonus!, you'll hear how drummer, Kaylee Preston got a concussion while shooting a <em>Fight Club</em>-esque music video!</p> <p> <em>Brain Hole</em> was released on Logan Hardware Records on June 13. You can catch Rabble Rabble next on July 26 at <a href="http://www.ticketfly.com/purchase/event/604307?__utma=1.1344645752.1405032746.1405032746.1405032746.1&amp;__utmb=;__utmc=1&amp;__utmx=-&amp;__utmz=1.1405032746.1.1.utmcsr=google%7Cutmccn=%28organic%29%7Cutmcmd=organic%7Cutmctr=%28not%20provided%29&amp;__utmv=-&amp;__utmk=123859082">Double Door</a> for their show with Jeff the Brotherhood and Flesh Panthers.</p> <p> <em>Produced by Kwame Shorter</em></p>