When the Kingdom Is Within You

The Perfecting Church show

Summary: Dr. Bob Roberts, Jr. is the founding and Senior Pastor of NorthWood Church near Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX. NorthWood’s congregation of active participants now averages in excess of 2000. NorthWood has started over 173 churches in the US and is a center for training new pastors. He is a leading practitioner and writer on glocal transformation of individuals, religious communities, non-governmental organizations, cities and global engagement. He has worked extensively in Vietnam, Afghanistan, West Bank and Gaza, Indonesia, Syria, Belize and other countries. He is the author of several books including Transformation; Glocalization; The Multiplying Church and the most recently released Real Time Connection: Linking Your Job with God’s Global Work. He has penned articles for both faith based and secular international relations journals and periodicals. He is a featured speaker at universities, leading American and International Christian conferences, and secular conferences on development and engagement. Roberts’ experience has resulted in his being called upon by a global audience, including the United Nations and various State Departments around the world to assist with humanitarian and reconciliation projects. He works with various religions and religious leaders for greater understanding and to participate and assist with engagement projects. Bob is a graduate of Baylor University (BA), Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (M.Div), and Fuller Seminary (D.Min). Bob is married to Niki, his wife of 30 years, and they have two children, Ben and Jill.