Thanks: The God of the Second Mile

The Perfecting Church show

Summary: If we took the time to think about it, we would all realize our lives have been full of people turning the other cheek for us, giving their outer coats to us and going another mile for us. Not one of us sits here self-made. We are all the results of gifts, great and selfless gifts, given to us. We are happiest when we recognize and embrace that fact and respond by willingly turning our other cheek for others, giving our coats to others and by going the extra mile for others. Jesus' command to us to live as givers is not something He is foreign to Himself. He has travelled further, subjected Himself to more and given more than any of us ever will. His command is actually an invitation to be in this world but not of it. It's an invitation to live life as an extension of the God of the second mile.