O Captain! My Captain!

Shoot The Glass show

Summary: This week we pay our respects to the late, great Robin Williams and recommend Good Will Hunting, Good Morning Vietnam, Dead Poets Society and The Fisher King as films to watch in his honour, along with the TV series that made him a star, Mork and Mindy. Lauren Bacall also passed this week, and for her we have the classics To Have and Have Not and Key Largo. In happier news, Pete has found that Netflix is a great service and we discuss some of the latest rumours and stuff surrounding JJ Abrams' Star Wars movie. Pete also throws in another piece of homework, the indie doco The People vs. George Lucas. And, of course, we talk about some films! Well just one, actually, but it's a doozy -- Marvel's latest blockbuster, Guardians of the Galaxy. So cue up your favourite mixtape, put on your headphones and come dance through the universe with Pete and Justin on the Shoot The Glass podcast!