JV582 (Intransigent and Sanctimonious)

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Summary: Download your FREE Audiobook from Audible INTRANSIGENT adjective:   refusing to compromise: stubbornly or unreasonably refusing even to consider changing a decision or attitude noun:   unyielding person: somebody who refuses to compromise or change an attitude or decision, especially in politics Synonyms: unyielding, adamant, difficult, determined, obstinate, Antonyms: yielding, compromising Examples: - Convinced he was right, George became intransigent and would not listen to anyone else's opinion. - Steve’s intransigent behavior made it difficult for other people to work with him, because when he fixed his mind on an idea, he wouldn't compromise. - The negotiations came to a halt when Mary and Ted took intransigent positions. - The one, intransigent jury member who refused to agree with the others caused a mistrial. - Unions claim that the management continues to maintain an intransigent position. SANCTIMONIOUS (adjective) over-the-top pious and religious, to the point of appearing or sounding self-righteous and hypocritical Synonyms: holier-than-thou, self-righteous, preachy, pious, smug, hypocritical, slick, phony, insincere, deceptive Antonyms: sincere, humble Examples: - Eric’s speech about the sanctity of marriage came across as sanctimonious to the young couple. - Ray’s sanctimonious attitude made people think he was judgmental and that he felt superior to others. – Because John stooped to sanctimony, he lost his credibility in the argument - Jane's sanctimonious attitude and constant preaching about the ills of alcohol, all while she ate nothing but junk food, were too much to bear.