Simplify Your Cycling: Nutrition

Cycling 360 media show

Summary: As we continue our series on Simplifying Your Cycling, we discuss a topic that matters to all cyclists.  Nutrition is important no matter what level of cycling you take part in, not to mention something that matters whether you cycle or not. Of course we had to bring in cycling nutrition expert, Kelli Jennings.  Kelli is a walking encyclopedia (maybe it's referred to as walking Wikipedia these days) full of incredible nutrition knowledge.  Not only is she a Registered Dietician and Sports Nutritionist, she's also an avid cyclist and endurance athlete. Nutrition can be a very complex and confusing issue for all of us, and the intention of this podcast is to strip away all the details and present you with the most important information.  Have a listen. Daily Nutrition vs Active Nutrition Nutrition for weight loss and nutrition for performance The most important foods to eat when off the bike The best foods to eat on the bike The individuality of nutrition Darryl's tip on motivating yourself to eat right The importance of water The amount of water, electrolytes, and carbohydrates needed for your ride Plus more stripped down tips and techniques to master your nutrition  Additional Links: <a href="" target="_blank">The Ultimate Hydration Chart</a> <a href="" target="_blank">Dried Mango Strips</a> <a href="" target="_blank">Loving the BITE</a> <a href="" target="_blank">Daily Nutrition vs Training Nutrition</a> <a title="Cycling 360 Podcast iTunes Subscription" href="">Subscribe to iTunes</a> | <a title="Cycling 360 Podcast MP3 RSS Feed" href="">Subscribe to MP3 Feed</a>