Cybersecurity and the NSA - 3-8-2014

Federalist Society Event Audio show

Summary: The NSA acts pursuant to broad statutory authorities, and has interpreted those statutes to enable vast data collection programs. Two programs in particular, programmatic surveillance of the content of communications and bulk collection of metadata have become the subject of heated public and scholarly debate. Are these programs consistent with the NSA’s mission to gather foreign intelligence and to defend U.S. government information systems? Have the leaks about these programs jeopardized national security, or have they enhanced public accountability? Is there a better way to strike a balance between privacy and security? -- The University of Florida Student Chapter hosted this panel discussion during the 2014 Annual Student Symposium on Saturday, March 8, 2014. -- Featuring: Mr. Stewart Baker, Partner, Steptoe & Johnson LLP; Prof. Randy Barnett, Carmack Waterhouse Professor of Legal Theory, Georgetown University Law Center; and Prof. Jeremy Rabkin, Professor of Law, George Mason University School of Law. Moderator: Chief Justice Ricky Polston, Florida Supreme Court.