Defining Regulatory Crimes 5-13-2014

Federalist Society Event Audio show

Summary: The Administrative Conference, together with The Federalist Society, the American Bar Association's Criminal Justice and Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice Sections, and the American Constitution Society, hosted a workshop entitled "Criminal Law and the Administrative State: Defining and Enforcing Regulatory Crimes". This panel on "Defining Regulatory Crimes" was recorded on May 13, 2014, at the Hart Senate Office Building in Washington, DC. -- Introduction: Matthew Weiner, Executive Director, Administrative Conference of the United States -- Panel One: Defining Regulatory Crimes -- Featuring: Susan R. Klein, UT Austin School of Law; John Malcolm, Heritage Foundation; Daniel C. Richman, Columbia University; and George Terwilliger III, Morgan Lewis. Moderator: The Hon. Ronald Cass, Cass & Associates. Introduction: Hon. Lee Liberman Otis, Senior Vice President & Faculty Division Director, The Federalist Society.