Episode 204 – “Up In The Jungle”

Trinity Force Podcast - A League of Legends Podcast show

Summary: Lots of jungle questions as we say farewell to Domenic and hello to Punchinelloo! Check out the list of questions we answered below and be prepared to be "up in the jungle" FoeKingNoodles writes: “When counter-jungling, is it better to clear the entire camp to get the timer or to leave one minion so they have to clear it out? Is this jungler or matchup specific?” Alec writes: “How do you maximize lane presence from the jungle while also maximizing your creep score? More specifically, how much (CS or gold) is a gank (failed or not) worth? It seems to me that time management heading into mid game is my biggest downfall and I would love to hear what ideas you have to fix it.” Klalan Liaster writes: “I am an ADC main but I have been jungling recently and I am a relatively inexperienced player. After my first clear and ganks, I'm not sure what to do. When is the best time to gank as a jungler, and when is the best time to farm?” TruthAM writes: “When might be it appropriate to get some of the lesser used support items, like Zeke's Herald or Banner of Command? I try to look at both team comps to determine what might be most beneficial but if there are no obvious things to itemize for (like the other team being heavily AP), I frequently find myself at a loss.” Furry eWok writes: “Support items have a lot of cooldown reduction and actives. Do these make ‘ideal’ support builds impossible? And does the role become too overwhelming due to the actives?” Jodie writes: “I have trouble playing consistently over long periods of time. I win a ton of games in a row, then I lose a ton of games in a row. This happens all the time, leaving me to go between S3 and S5 for a majority of the time. How can I play more consistently so I don't have these huge win/loss streaks?” Jack writes: “During pro play, the casters mention ‘red side champs' and 'blue side champs.' I was hoping you could elaborate the advantages to both sides and giving examples of champs who generally have disadvantages when played on a specific side.” Kalen writes: “How would you describe League of Legends to a completely gaming illiterate individual while still conveying enough detail for him or her to understand what it is?” Don't forget to sign up for the Audible Trial!  http://audibletrial.com/TForcePodcast If Audible isn't your thing there is always a Nature Box: http://tinyurl.com/tforcenature