The Rentals, Perfume Genius, The Bots, Zammuto, More

All Songs Considered show

Summary: Note: This version of the podcast corrects a mistake we made with The Rentals song. The correct song is "1000 Seasons." We kick off this week's episode of All Songs Considered with the sludgy, shoegaze-y sounds of Whirr, a band started by Nick Bassett, bassist for one of co-host Robin Hilton's favorite acts of 2014, Nothing. We follow up with a new track from The Bots, two young brothers from L.A. whose "All I Really Want" is a two-minute sugar rush of high-powered pop-punk. Later on the show we welcome NPR Music's Daoud Tyler–Ameen and Jacob Ganz to the studio to play some of their favorite new tunes. Daoud opts for "Explanation," a punchy rock number from Ohio trio Delay, while Jacob plays Perfume Genius' surging new track "Queen." Daoud and Jacob stick around as Robin puts on "Hegemony," a super-melodic, percussion-heavy track from Zammuto, the project of The Books' Nick Zammuto, recorded in a Vermont shed. Finally, Bob rounds out the show with a premiere from long-dormant rock group The Rentals, called "It's Time To Go Home" that features Jess Wolfe and Holly Laessig of Lucius on vocals. Taking the words to heart, the studio empties out with the last ringing chord.