EPISODE 34 (134): Dawn of the Dufus (REPOST)

Tales from the "LiberryCAST" show

Summary: (A REPOST OF A CLASSIC INTRODUCTORY EPISODE THAT TIES INTO THIS WEEK'S NEW EPISODE.) The major problem with patron access computers are the patrons. They don't have computers at home, so they have to come use ours. And that's great, until it's not. Such was the case with a Rogue Patron I came to call The Dufus. He was a guy from the area who'd gone out into the world for, to hear him tell it, a storied career as a minor deity on the West Coast, where he hobnobbed with rich and powerful celebrities all of whom adored him. Again, to hear him tell it. And tell it he was more than willing to do. Somehow he got it into his head that such minor matters as time limits on the patron computers didn't apply to him and no matter how many people we had waiting to use his, there he sat, pissing all of us off. Ironic and moronic, because he was using our computer to try and get a job working for the library in the first place.