Ericast 246 - A Building Lives Podcast - DWEEB THOUGHTS show

Summary: Click here to listen to this week's episode! There's quite a meandering path to this week's final topic, from the now-gone Island Station in St. Paul to Mill Ruins of Southeast Minnesota (that link will take you to the exact trip that I took the girls on last week) to yesterday's visit to Dells Mill in Augusta, Wisconsin (which is famous in the "photos of mills" world). There's also a random reference to John and Sam Eldredge's new book and the fact that Sam doesn't like the mosquitoes in Minnesota. And I even throw in the Arcola High Bridge north of Stillwater.  Yeah, this episode is a bit random.  You like it that way, right? Share your own thoughts and opinions with a quick and easy call to the listener feedback line at 206-339-3742 (easy to remember at 206-339-ERIC) or with an email to me (eric) at By the way, did you know about the Dweeb Thoughts feed?  For my random technology-themed thoughts (which, when important enough and remembered, get rolled into the regular Ericast episode... but that didn't happen this week) add this URL to your podcatching software: