Sort Out the Benefit Cheats!

Europe Calling show

Summary: Would you want a gas drilling platform near you if it had caused 500 earthquakes in your area? Also, be careful of the laws in other countries as Morocco has sentenced a British tourist to four months in prison for 'homosexual acts. Mother-of-nine who claimed £38,000 benefits has TWINS – adding £1,400. Cheryl Prudham, from Gravesend, Kent, has given birth to her 10th and 11th children, allowing her to claim an extra £1,400 on top of her £38,000-a-year benefits Benefits cheat did not declare she was married in £17,000 scam. Julie Matthews, 48, from Wombwell, near Barnsley, was given a suspended sentence after falsely claiming £17,541 in benefits. She did not say she was married because her husband was gay. Benefits cheat claimed £55K and spent it on parties, cars and holidays bdul Murshid, 46, claimed £700 a month in housing benefit he was not entitled to while working at a Welcome Break service station in north London. Women devote well over the equivalent of a working day each week to household chores – double the amount undertaken by men, according to a survey by BBC Radio 4's Woman's Hour Britain sending £600k abroad EVERY week. The most recent figures show that 20,400 families received payments for a total of 34,268 children, setting back taxpayers £31million a year – or some £600,000 every week The women who insist they can't make ends meet on £100,000 a year. The new social statum - 'squeezed upper middle' - refers to high-earning couples who struggle to achieve their aristocratic aspirations after paying expensive school fees and hefty mortgages.