Putting the Great in Britain!

Europe Calling show

Summary: In Tenerife...A woman stuck in her car during flash-flooding was saved as huge waste containers narrowly avoid crushing her car and the Spanish nursing assistant, Teresa Romero, 44, who became the first person to be infected with Ebola outside west Africa is now clear of all traces of the virus nearly two weeks after she was hospitalized. Incredibly, the UK Home Office has lost track of 760 of the 4,200 foreign criminals who had been freed back on to UK streets by the end of March 2014 pending their removal. It includes 58 ‘high harm’ individuals, a category that includes rapists, killers and drug dealers. In the UK Dog breeder Stephen Potts, who nearly died after being savaged by his own pets, has been arrested after the animals went on another violent rampage.. Boy racer, Paul Reddan, who killed his girlfriend while driving at 'ludicrous' speeds is jailed for six years. Is this really enough? UK GPs will be paid £55 for every patient diagnosed with dementia under a controversial scheme to boost detection. Clever children are being held back at school and leading miserable lives due to accusations of being geeks a UK charity warned. Raheem Sterling partied in a London nightclub until 3am - the day after he was ‘too tired’ to play for England in their Euro 2016 qualifier in Estonia. An Italian miner was permitted to be off sick for 35 years after claiming he was claustrophobic. Coal miner Carlo Cani started work in 1980 and retired early, drawing a pension despite hardly ever putting in a day's work over a 35-year career.