Against Football / Bouts of Mania

Prime Time Radio - AARP show

Summary: Part A:Football may be America’s favorite sport currently. If it’s not, it may certainly be the most lucrative and possibly violent of sports for owners and players. The sport that fans used to enjoy for running, leaping, and catching, also encapsulated sportsmanship and teamwork. Now it's a multi-billion dollar industry that at the very least fosters a tolerance for violence, greed, and controversy. In his book, Against Football, fan and journalist Steve Almond takes a hard look at the sport he still loves, asking himself if he should still even watch.Part B:It was the early seventies amidst national domestic and international turmoil, some of the most famous fights in boxing’s history were fought by Frazier, Ali, and Foreman. They were three of the sport’s most complex, outspoken, and competitive fighters. And they fought each other more than five times in every combination vying for the highest title in the sport. Journalist, Richard Hoffer traces the personal and professional lives of these three contenders and what they meant to our national confidence.