002: Dune – The Sleeper has Awakened

Beautiful Failures show

Summary: This weeks review: Dune In this weeks episode Sean and Matt talk about the 1984 classic, Dune. A film adaptation of the Frank Herbert novel had been in the works since 1971. The first attempt was made by Alejandro Jodorowsky, and the second attempt was with Ridley Scott. Was the third time the charm? David Lynch tried his best to bring the epic novel to life, but there were so many things standing in his way. Dune Info: a fun resource for behind the scenes stories and deleted scenes. The Atlantic: "The Messy, Misunderstood Glory of David Lynch’s Dune" Space Pug! Pug compilation video What we’ve been watching and reading: Snowpiercer Polygon Review: “Why it took a Korean movie to craft a successful Bioshock story” Dawn of the Planet of the Apes Tomb Raider Limbo Cowboy Bebop Nothing Lasts Forever