026: Adam Kosloff, the Writer on Fire, Shares How to Double Your Writing Speed

TCK Publishing show

Summary: Adam Kosloff is one of the fastest writers on earth.  He owns and operates a booming ghostwriting business for high-end clients like attorneys and doctors who want high quality books written quickly. He's also a bestselling author published with TCK Publishing (http://www.tckpublishing.com) and a freelance writer for various businesses. In today's show, Adam shares his top tips for increasing your writing speed, productivity and quality at the same time. Adam says writing is like a business, and he's applied business best practices to his writing work to become a writer on fire. Here are a few things we talk about with Adam in the interview: * How to double or triple your writing speed by using a structure, process, plan and system rather than "pantsing" or just trying to wing it. A few minutes of planning can save you hundreds of hours of work in the long run. That's a high ROI on time, your most valuable asset. * How Adam created one of the fastest growing ghostwriting services for professionals by offering super-fast turnaround and high quality work. * Why speed is actually the easiest way to improve your quality (they say practice makes perfect, which may not be true, but it definitely makes you a better writer). * Why the best way to get over writer's block is to just sit down and write (and some other really cool tips that will blow your mind). * A simple method for increasing your writing speed and productivity that's a little counterintuitive, but the results will astound you. * How doubling your rates for freelance writing gigs is the fastest way to double your income (and reduce your workload, giving you more time to write your own books and earn income from royalties for long-term financial security). * Why you must look at you writing career like a business, and how to optimize everything you do to get more done in less time. Grab your pen and get ready to take notes, because you're about to learn how to turn your passion into profits! Connect with Adam and his ghostwriting services at www.virtuosoebooks.com (www.virtuosoebooks.com) To learn more about the Publishing Profits Podcast show, join us at http://www.PublishingProfitsPodcast.com (http://www.PublishingProfitsPodcast.com)