LOTRO Reporter Episode 232 – Layanor Likes Deeds

LOTRO Reporter Podcast show

Summary: Layanor is back and we talk about Update 13.1. His love of deeds, and pants. Of course we talk about pants. Audio Version: What We Did in Game Layanor Moors rank is at 25%. Took 3 months I think. Possibly a lot longer :P Finished off some deeds in west rohan Finished the Epic book and working on Fangorn rep. Half way thru friend. In Rohan I finished the Helmingas reputation deed. Actually worked on my War-Steed Pretty much have me First Agers where I want them Cari  Working on my LI’s Did some Lowbie Leveling News   Bullroarer Client Installer Now Available https://www.lotro.com/forums/showthread.php?547565-BULLROARER-PC-CLIENT-INSTALLER-Now-Available   Update 13.1 Release Notes https://www.lotro.com/forums/showthread.php?&postid=7159042#post7159042  Auto-Fellow There's a new "Auto-Fellow" option on the right-click menu in your friends list. If you mark a friend as "Auto-fellow" and they mark you as "Auto-fellow", then when one of you logs on, if the other is logged on and eligible to be in a fellowship, you will be automatically followed up. There's a limit to how many friends you can mark as "Auto-Fellow". Automatically add tasks to quest tracker control. There's a new option on the "UI Settings" tab: "Automatically add tasks to quest tracker". This option (set by default to true) controls whether you want tasks to be automatically added to your quest tracker when they are bestowed or advanced. Inventory Sort Button Added a new "sort" button to the bag 1 toolbar in the inventory. This button (after a suppressible confirmation dialog) will sort all your items, floating all empty space to the top (so that as you get new items, they are separated from your existing items). The sorting algorithm used is the one used for the "auto" sort in the vault, and it has been updated to correctly sort by level items of the same quality and type.  Champions got a whole truckload of changes  Made some changes to the area near the wall of Isengard, intended to make 'The Breaking of Isengard' less literal.   Taking the Hobbits To Isengard https://www.lotro.com/forums/showthread.php?539143-Hobbits-to-Isengard-Q-A-with-Sapience-notes-on-what-was-said What can you tell us about Beornings that you haven’t told us already Rowan – The best part about Beornings for him right now is the massive amount of information and research he’s gotten from the Player Council regarding them. Sapience – Yes, there’s already been an interesting thread about Beornings in the Players Council. Rowan – One thing he can say about it, and he thinks he’s alluded to this in his producer’s letter, but they really view it as a mix of a race and a class, which makes it a unique thing, because of the racial characteristics that are specific to it, and the skills that they want to pair with that as well. Sapience – Thinks that’s great because there have been questions about “Why are you calling it a class?” when it’s kind of a race, so that’s a great answer. Because Tolkien said he’s a man, but he’s also this other thing that is a little bit more than a man. Rowan – The other part that they’re thinking about right now – part of the pitch for it – and this isn’t confirmed yet, is to start it at an advanced level, like level 50. Sapience – Thinks this plays well into the “I’d like to play it through Moria” comment he made earlier. Will mail in the wild ever become something available in store It was developed especially as a VIP perk, so he highly doubts it Rowan – That’s kind of what they’re thinking, because the Beorning homeland is kind of between Dale and the Misty Mountains, so the Misty Mountains seem like a reasonable place to start. Is there really a LOTRO "jail" to send troublesome trolls Yes there really is an in game jail GMs can send you to. There is actually a jail. Like you cannot get out of it until they release you. No maps, no ports,