Tips for Women on How to Deal with Stress and Stress-Related Disorders

 Radio Show for Women: Feel and Look Fabulous with Irina Wardas  show

Summary: Dr. Allen Lawrence has spent the majority of his professional career focusing on prevention, wellness medicine from a Holistic Body-Mind perspective and medicine to assist his patients in their healing process when needed. Dr. Lisa Lawrence's focus has been on assisting her clients in making healthy food choices and creating a healthy eating plan as well as assisting her clients with the stresses of everyday life. Together the Lawrences have currently co-authored 6 books and they have at least 4 more books ready to be published within the next couple of years. The Lawrences’ books reflect their many years of experience working with people to heal medical and health problems, Stress-Related Disorders, that have already caused illness, chronic disease and where individuals are dealing with the possibility of premature death. Click to learn more