Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day show

Summary: Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day for June 06, 2014 is: perdure \per-DUR\ verb : to continue to exist : last Examples: The artist's influence perdures in the themes and stylistic choices of his students. "Wells brings the reader into the drama of multi-generational families, of friendships that perdure ... of relationships that grow as hardships and challenges color life." — Fran Salone-Pelletier, The Brunswick Beacon (Shallotte, North Carolina), August 1, 2012 Did you know? "Perdure" may be an unfamiliar word for many of our readers, but those who suspect they see hints of its ancestry in the more familiar synonym "endure" are correct. "Perdure" was borrowed into Middle English from Anglo-French and traces back to the Latin verb "perdurare," meaning "to continue." "Perdurare," in turn, was formed by combining the intensifying prefix "per-" with the verb "durare," meaning "to last." "Durare" is also an ancestor of the English words "endure," "durable," "indurate," and "during," among others.