Fairdinkum Radio Show 8.05.2014

Fairdinkum Radio show

Summary: Fairdinkum Radio Show mp3 Ep 477  Commentary This week in commentary: Medical Cartel Continuum: The price government puts on a year of your life is $50,000, Australia 2025: Let's Put Medical Science Under The Microscope, $500,000 spent in the past year on flu vaccinations for politicians and public servants  Corruption in Government Everywhere: Coal company's creek plans threaten 100-year family farm - 29/04/2014 Food producers and Technocracy: Robotic milking leads dairy innovation, Dairy farmers search for fair milk market overseas - ABC News, Change farming for climate: US expert 14.05.08 FR Commentary.mp3 Ep 476 Heal Breast Cancer Naturally Leon is joined by Dr Veronique Desaulniers a Breast Cancer Conqueror to discuss her latest book 'Heal Breast Cancer Naturally'. Together we discuss the seven essential steps that Veronique has researched and documented as essential tools in the prevention, treatment and conquering of Breast Cancer. We discuss why cancer is able to attack humanity, does modern medical practice have the answer, the place of nutrition, toxins, amalgams, energy, emotional damage, and therapeutic plants. Already a bestseller this book is an important tool to educate and inspire an ever increasing sick humanity. Purchase 'Heal Breast Cancer Naturally' 14.05.08 Dr Veronique Desaulniers.mp3 Dr. Veronique Desaulniers has healed herself of cancer naturally, and has helped thousands of others to heal themselves using her knowledge. This book give you the information needed to avoid getting cancer, as well as steps to take to heal cancer if you have it.As a breast cancer survivor myself, who has done extensive online research, I found this book to be a very valuable resource. It is not, however, intended to be a substitute for proper diagnosis and treatment by a licensed medical professional. With this book, Dr. Desaulniers teaches you that breast cancer is an accumulation of many illnesses and weaknesses in the body, brought on by eating poor quality food, lack of adequate sleep and chronic stress. You'll learn how to prevent or heal cancer by making informed decisions, and being committed to lifelong healthier habits. The 7 essential steps are broken down as follows: 1) Let food be your medicine. 2) Reduce your toxic exposure. 3) Balance your energy. 4) Heal your emotional dentistry. 6) repair your body with therapeutic plants. And finally 7) Adopt very early detection. This book was written to give hope to women faced with the diagnosis of breast cancer and is a MUST READ for EVERYONE! Ep 475 Wind Turbine Wars Annie Gardner joins us from Victoria to discuss her story regarding the incursion of the Wind Turbine Industry into their family farm. Together we discuss her story and what it is like to live beside 140 wind turbines 90 meters tall, and to feel the health effects from this assault. We discuss the withholding of Freedom of Information documents pertaining to the comprehensive fraud being conducted against the people of the is country. We discuss the speech by John Madigan in the Senate declaring that Industry is colluding with Doctors and the Medical industry against We the People. Annie has been a tireless worker in the Resistance in an attempt to gain back power for We the People. 14.05.18 Annie Gardner.mp3 Ep 474 Essential Oils Tony Boutros of Lifestream Health joins us to discuss Essential Oils in health and healing. We discuss the history of essential Oils and how they have been used for centuries throughout many cultures for the restoration and maintenance of health. We discuss the original plants, native location, preservation, and many conditions they can help the body correct. 14.05.08 Tony Boutros.mp3 Ep 473 The Voice of the People Bill Izzard a fisherman from QLD joins us to discuss his continuing unfolding story of his pursuit of freedom from corporations, including the Australian Government with its many tentacles. Bill shares his latest findings in pursuing the knowledge of the Freeman. He al