Fairdinkum Radio Show 15.05.2014

Fairdinkum Radio show

Summary: Fairdinkum Radio Show mp3 Ep 481 Fairdinkum Commentary This week we look at: Medical Cartel wins in budget - NHMRC Corporations run Australia - Australia.inc $20 million paid to Papal abuse victims  14.05.15 Commentary Ep 480 GM Watch Barb Peterson Leon is joined by Barbara Peterson of Farm Wars. Barbara is actively defending the 'Family Farm,' from Oregon in the USA where she continues to watch and document the development of Government in conjunction with Corporations move to establish a monopoly over our food and resources in every nation. Together we discuss: GMOs – Labeling the 2% | Farm Wars Chemicals expert battles against energy giant over fracking - Gasfield Free Northern Rivers The Culture of Seed Rape | Farm Wars Chinese Finance Ministry Bans GM Oil for Staff to Safeguard Health* | Hwaairfan's Blog Soil experts warn conventional farming is on borrowed time | Cairns News Designed to Fail: GMOs, Chemical Farming and Planned Obsolescence | Farm Wars 14.05.15 B Peterson.mp3 Ep 479 Ukraine Russia US Nato - R Barwick Robert Barwick of the Citizens Electoral Council joins Leon to discuss the latest developments in the Ukraine and Russia. We discuss the strategy behind the United States warmongers and their continual expansion of NATO now including 54 countries, and looking to include Australia in an Asian picot incorporating NZ and Japan. We discuss the latest Odessa massacre that cost the lives of 49 people at the hands of fascist Neo-Nazi forces. 14.05.15 R Barwick - CEC.mp3 Ep 478 Bentley Blockage Norther Rivers Metgasco, a Sydney based gas exploration company, wants to drill a gas well 2km deep into the tight sands gas deposit near Bentley, 16 km from Lismore. Tight sands gas is a form of unconventional gas similar to coal seam gas where lots of wells are required to produce a commercial flow. One difference is that fracking is almost always required to get the gas to flow from tight sands deposits. Metgasco is due to commence drill site preparation at Bentley in early April, with drilling operations to follow. The local community and the Northern Rivers community in general is overwhelmingly opposed to gasfield industrialisation at Bentley. In a community run survey, 84.5% of Bentley locals voted to have their lands and roads Gasfield Free. In a council poll in 2012, 87% of Lismore residents voted “NO’ to CSG. We join the protest to listen to the voice of the people. Bentley Blockade - Jenny Dell.mp3 15.05.14 Look Up - YouTube IPART hears allegations that $18bn LNG export plant was developed with a view to hiking up domestic gas prices - Lock the Gate Alliance Most powerful spy says Snowden leaks will cost lives Bentley Blockade - Gasfield Free Northern Rivers Bentley Blockade: General Information - Gasfield Free Northern Rivers richardrozoff | Stop NATO...Opposition to global militarism PressTV - US, NATO war moves trigger another Cold War: Iosbaker Fascists burning people alive in Odessa, Nazism on the rise in Europe: Is this the democracy the Western world proposes for Ukraine? | Stop NATO...Opposition to global militarism Russia prepares to attack the petrodollar - News - Reality Check - The Voice of Russia: News, Breaking news, Politics, Economics, Business, Russia, International current events, Expert opinion, podcasts, Video Bentley NSW Coal Seam Gas News Information & Citizen Journalism Ban Ki-Moon Says UN and Holy See Have 'Same Goals and Ideas' | ZENIT - The World Seen From Rome Jewish and Muslim leaders to join Pope’s Holy Land trip | CBCP News Pope urges 'legitimate redistribution' of wealth - Yahoo News A staggering $20 million paid to Christian Brothers’ abuse victims | News.com.au 1080 poison ban plan ditched by Liberals - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) WHO holds emergency meeting on deadly Saudi MERS virus | Reuters NHMRC says evidence scant in wind turbine health debate - ABC Rural (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) Hire an oldie, get $10,000 Winners and Losers of the 2014 budge