Fairdinkum Radio Show 22.05.14

Fairdinkum Radio show

Summary: Fairdinkum Radio Show mp3 Ep 485 Fairdinkum Commentary This week we look at: The Stormtroopers of the State Socialist Totalitarians Feminism and the New Family Order - Children of the State 14.05.22 Commentary.mp3 Ep 484 The Schaeffer Cox Story Today we are joined by Simon Kaiwai and Terry Christopher: Dodd of Walls in our Mind radio show. Together we discuss the story of Schaeffer Cox and his imprisonment on charges of Conspiracy to Murder. Shaeffer was framed by the FBI as he was a problem to the institution of the State. Much of Shaeffer's Story can be read here: Shocking: How The U.S. Government Used An Agent Provocateur To Charge A Patriot With Terrorism Together we discuss the ideas and message that Shaeffer was teaching: Individuality, Limited Government, Government by Consent of the people, Corrupted Economy and Lawful vs Legal. Please help here: Free Schaeffer Cox 14.05.22 Schaeffer Cox.mp3 Ep 483 Full Spectrum Dominance Leon is joined by Xander Dal Riata, of Full-Spectrum-Dominance.com a leading independent media project which receives over 40 million hits a month worldwide in over 90 nations. Full-Spectrum-Dominance.com provides open-source technology news, ignored markets and finance updates, and geopolitical warfare analysis with his expertise as a former U.S. Marine and educated scholar on historical and archaeological/anthropological sciences. Together we take a look at some major issues worldwide. Including: Sex change drugs 'to be offered to nine-year-olds'  Tech CEO: Why I Shut Down Lavabit  Vladimir Putin’s Statement on Russia-China Trade and Investment Relations. Global and Regional Priorities  U.S. Files Criminal Charges Against Chinese Military Officials for Hacking American Companies  Russia, China agree to create working group for space cooperation projects 14.05.22 Full Spectrum Dominance.mp3 Ep 482 Common Threads In this weeks spiritual broadcast we take a look at the 'Common Thread'. Which Institution is our greatest threat to health, freedom and happiness? What does the Bible say is the Common thread that runs through every Political, Economic and Religious Institution on earth? What are the deeds of the 'Nikolaitions'? What is the Common Thread? 15.05.22 Common Thread.mp3 Works cited: 22.05.14 The ancient evil religion of political correctness ▶ The Australian Media: Family Intrusion - YouTube Activist Post: The Videos Banned Only in Australia Skynet rising: Google acquires 512-qubit quantum computer; NSA surveillance to be turned over to AI machines - NaturalNews.com National Workplace Program Media releases PM - Jeremy Scahill discusses the drone killing of two alleged Australian terrorists 20/05/2014 Australians killed in Yemen: DFAT says two men killed during counter-terrorism operation - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) Vladimir Putin’s Statement on Russia-China Trade and Investment Relations. Global and Regional Priorities | Global Research Vladimir Putin and the “De-Dollarization” of Russia-China Trade. “Mutual Payments” in Rubles and Renminbi | Global Research U.S. Files Criminal Charges Against Chinese Military Officials for Hacking American Companies - The Wire Fasten Your Seatbelts: The Coming Global Monetary Reset Inevitable Debt Default Ahead for US, UK and Japan GLOBAL CURRENCY RESET- NEW WORLD OR NEW WORLD ORDER? | What in the world is going on? So Much for 'Father's Day' - in a Country Where Fatherhood is Dying Out - Mail Online - Peter Hitchens blog 19 « May « 2014 « Jon Rappoport's Blog Sex change drugs 'to be offered to nine-year-olds' - Telegraph Number of Reception, Year 1 students suspended in SA schools doubles | The Advertiser Prison Planet.com » Former Abortion Clinic Operator: We Sexualized Kids To Keep Abortion Cash Flowing Stormtroopers of the Left | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog Noel Pearson: The Light On The Hill | AustralianPolitics.com In truth: our debt growth faster than Europe’s | The Australian Do we have too much debt? | Catallaxy Files Students, pol