Fairdinkum Radio Show 29.05.14

Fairdinkum Radio show

Summary: Fairdinkum Radio Show mp3 Ep 489 Fairdinkum Commentary This week we look at: GMO wins in Aussie courts - Monsanto loses in Oregon A Changing Australia - Feminist hate women Drones killing Aussies - new norm Soros shows the Ukraine Western Democracy 29.05.14 Commentary Ep 488 The Reality of Faith - Steve Emmons Leon is joined by Steve Emmons, one of our friends from WA as we discuss the Reality of Faith. Steve shares his own experience in finding God and understanding the Gospel. Together we discuss the darkness of sin, habits and tendencies that develop keeping man in slavery, until the transforming power of the gospel is experienced. We then discuss that transforming experience. Is it real? Does it really exist? Steve tells his story of redemption and what it is like to walk in the kingdom of heaven, while living on earth. 29.05.14 The Reality of Faith - Steve Emmons.mp3 Ep 487 Crippling the New World Order - Julie Head Julie joins us to discuss the latest Resistance meeting that was held last week. Julie summarizes the speakers focus and content. We discuss the constitution, corporate Australia, a new matrix of laws to accommodate multiculturalism of Australia, and the destruction of Christian family values. 14.05.29 Julie Head.mp3 Ep 486 Children of Death - Elliot Roger We take a look at Elliot Roger the young man that killed six people and then himself in the US this week. Why did this young man commit this act? What were his expectations of life that society had taught him were normal? What does the Frankfurt schools have to do with our current society and its expectations? Who are the Social Architects responsible for the glorification of violence, drug abuse, sexual perversion and the destruction of the family? 14.05.29 Elliot Roger.mp3 29.5.14 ▶ The Australian Media: Family Intrusion - YouTube Activist Post: The Videos Banned Only in Australia National Workplace Program Media releases  After bin Laden backlash, CIA promises: No more vaccination campaigns for spying - Yahoo News AM - Pakistan launches vaccination drive in tribal regions to combat polio 27/05/2014 PM - Jeremy Scahill discusses the drone killing of two alleged Australian terrorists 20/05/2014 Australians killed in Yemen: DFAT says two men killed during counter-terrorism operation - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) Drones Giving Real Estate Industry an Aerial Advantage « CBS DC Over 60% of US drone targets in Pakistan are homes – research — RT News GMO Food — It's Worse Than We Thought - Dr. Russell Blaylock on Vimeo New York radio hosts fired for transgender remarks | Mail Online Listen to supposed ‘hate’ that got radio hosts fired for opinions on taxpayer-funded sex changes - BizPac Review Billions more green waste, killing jobs and hiking your bills | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog An Electricity Price Horror Story Climate activism research shows new move to localism - ABC Rural (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) Fairfax attacks Abbott through his daughters. UPDATE: Now his wife attacked, too | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog DFAT anger over Louise Abbott's foreign affairs job Stop NATO...Opposition to global militarism | War is a crime, for which victory brings no atonement – Anatole France Bloodbath in Donesk: Kiev Unleashes Military Attack, Killing Civilians | Global Research Article: Russia's Rise To Global Power | OpEdNews Who’s Undermining Ukrainian Democracy: Putin or the West? | Global Research » Soros Admits Responsibility for Coup and Mass Murder in Ukraine Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind! CNN.com - Transcripts ​Russia and China seal historic $400bn gas deal — RT Business GM crops: organic farmer loses court case over alleged contamination | Environment | theguardian.com The Beast from the Sea: Roman Catholic Church in Prophecy Genetic invasion: distorting the human future « Jon Rappoport's Blog Anti-GM campaigners disappointed by loss of organic contamination court case - ABC Rural (Australian Broadcasting Corpo