Fairdinkum Radio Show 12.06.14

Fairdinkum Radio show

Summary: Fairdinkum Radio Show mp3  Ep 498 Fairdinkum Commentary This week we look at: Tony Abbott raises worldwide tax issue Hillary Clinton says Julia Gillard faced outrageous sexism AWU scandal a crime, says commission’s counsel  THE NEW DARK AGE The Frankfurt School and "Political Correctness" Clive Palmer’s deal: back my project, I drop the lawsuit Activist Post: Government Plan Would Transform Israel Into The World’s First Cashless Society 14.06.12 Commentary.mp3 Ep 497 Don't be a cancer statistic - Tony Boutros Tony Boutros of Lifestream Health, joins us to talk about his upcoming cancer seminar to be held in Murwillimbah on the 22.6.14. We chat about the content of the seminar comparing natural with drug based approaches, and the danger of mainstream techniques. 14.06.12 Cancer Seminar - T Boutros.mp3 Ep 496 Bank Fraud - Wayne Styles Wayne Styles joins us to share his story of uncovering banking fraud. After discovering fraudulent documentation, including falsified assets, income and share, he lodged a formal complaint with ASIC to no avail. Then with the FOS Financial Ombudsmen Service, to no avail. Then with the police, then to the Criminal Investigation Branch, to no avail. He was told by detectives that the Bank had destroyed the original documents and there was no way to secure a conviction? Waynes story reveals collusion, corruption, fraud, protection and a total criminal cartel protecting the banking institutions. 14.06.12 Wayne Styles.mp3 Ep 495 Salvation through Socialism The New World Religion, an essential Social and Cultural element and comprising of a one third part of the New Word Order, is rapidly developing in the Time Line of history. In this broadcast we compare the building Socialist Religion with Individuality under YHWH. The two systems of thought, government,culture, economy, politics and religion are diametrically opposed. While the Vatican with the UN leads the world into a New World Religion, we document its rise to power; "...all the world wondered after the beast.", exposing its ultimate aim of suppressing freedom and liberty of conscious and coercing a every human being to worship the New World Order. 12.06.14 Socialism in Religion.mp3 Ep 494 New World Religion - Apostasy Update Welcome to Apostasy Update where we track the apostasy in the fallen corporate churches of the New World Religion. Apostasy update is available in email form here: apostasyalert@hotkey.net.au 12.06.14 Apostasy Update.mp3 12.06.14 Palmer accused | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog Clive Palmer’s deal: back my project, I drop the lawsuit | The Australian Sunday Night gives viewers an inside look into the bizarre world of Clive Palmer | News.com.au Letter from Clive Palmer to Deputy Premier Jeff Seeney demanded Waratah Coal be given exclusive rights for rail corridor | The Courier-Mail Featured - Yahoo!7 » Secret European Cash Limits in Place Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind! The Bankers Want Putin’s Head | Fig Trees and Vineyards Canberra reaps $360m from inactive bank accounts Cashless society: A huge threat to our freedom—Commentary Activist Post: Government Plan Would Transform Israel Into The World’s First Cashless Society Google Inc's power network - LittleSis Secretary-General - OECD Taxman has power to raid your bank accounts - Telegraph IRS Can Now Seize Your Tax Refund To Pay a Relative's Debt - Slashdot Budget 2014: key points from Joe Hockey’s announcements | World news | theguardian.com Budget 2014: Australian Tax Office to shed 3,000 public service jobs - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) FATCA Is Not Just A Worry For American Investors - iExpats The Shocking Real Reason for FATCA, and What Comes Next | International Man Genetically modified mosquitoes offer hope in malaria fight - Yahoo News It’s Not Just George Soros Anymore - Chrystia Freeland - POLITICO Magazine Tony Abbott raises worldwide tax issue Two U.S. stealth bombers head to Europe for first time — three hours from Russian bor