What's Bugging Your Business?

EFT Radio  show

Summary: Does it seem like your business is filled with bugs? You WANT success, yet you may be stuck, stalled, or stagnated because of "Bugs" in your Inner Program. Just like a computer, your business can get a virus. If not quarantined or killed off quickly, it can spread. In today’s program we will take a look at how we can exterminate some of the most stubborn and persistent bugs. We will use EFT Tapping with a guest, and you can “borrow benefits” and tap along to clear your inner bugs and ensure that your business is running a clean, bug-free program. Join Host Judy Wolvington as she helps you discover the common symptoms of having bugs in your Inner Program: symptoms like irritation, resentment, being frozen in fear, procrastination, or making excuses. What would happen in your business if you eradicated those bugs? Find out how to identify the most deadly viruses, and discover how they are sabotaging your best laid plans for your business. Your success is inevitable when your Inner Program is aligned for Success. Business Success Coach Judy Wolvington knows how to help you how to build a thriving and joyful business, with all the clients and income you desire, based on your unique gifts. As a Certified EFT and Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner Judy skillfully helps you remove your blocks to success, so you can make REAL money doing what you love. Judy would love to hear from you. Call her at 303-989-5933 if you would like more information about her programs. If you’re ready to Unleash YOUR Dream Business, Judy has 3 FREE GIFTS for you. To claim yours, simply visit http://UnleashYourDreamBiz.com.