2 Ways to Escape the Overnight Success Trap

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Summary: <br> <a href="http://feeds.feedblitz.com/-/63009259/0/ibmaudioblogs.mp3">http://feeds.feedblitz.com/-/63009259/0/ibmaudioblogs.mp3</a><br> In my last post, <a href="http://www.internetbusinessmastery.com/trap-can-steal-success/" target="_blank">This Trap Can Steal Your Success</a>, I talked about a very common and dangerous trap I see our students fall into everyday while building a Internet Business. I’m now going to give you a couple tools to escape and even avoid the Overnight Success Trap.<br> In a time that is blessed with instant, fast, and easy,  it’s no wonder this trap is prevalent and insidious.<br> We are used to getting so many things the moment we have a desire for it, we think EVERYTHING should be this way.<br> <br> * You want to watch the latest episode of <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Game_of_Thrones" target="_blank">Game of Thrones</a>, but missed it when it was scheduled to be on?<br> <br>  -No problem, you can click a button and be watching it instantly.<br> <br> * You want some food?<br> <br>  -Go online and order it, it’ll be here fast!<br> <br> * You want to put up a <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHNKJ33jdJc" target="_blank">blog in under 5 min</a>?<br> <br> -With a couple click on the mouse, you can have a shiny, new wordpress blog.<br> This is a fantastic world we live in when we can get so many of our desires and needs filled instantly.<br> Unfortunately, it has damaged many of our mindsets when it comes to success, because success in business isn’t instant.<br> There are 2 ways to fix your mindset in order to climb out of the Overnight Success Trap and make sure we are set and ready for the long journey of success.<br> UNTIL<br> ‘Until’ is like a perfect ladder to get you out of this trap no matter when you fall in.  It’s a magic word really, when I started using it, it changed my mind and my outlook.  ‘Until’ allowed me the time needed to make a multi-million dollar business, long past the frustrations and challenges that would have forced me to quit.<br> Okay, here is how I used this magic word.<br> When I left my cubicle office for good and was walking out the door, I said:<br> “I’m not going to stop UNTIL I get the final success I desire”<br> I gave it no QUIT date.<br> I decided to keep going UNTIL I succeeded, no matter what.  I didn’t care if I was an overnight success, I just wanted to succeed one day,  ANY day.  I wanted to find my place in the world and flourish in it.  It didn’t have to be quickly, it just had to happen.<br> The RIGHT Success<br> You want success now, right?<br> Look, we all do, but we don’t have to let that get in our way.<br> We just need to reframe what success means.<br> Most of us Freedom Business Builders make it mean that you earn enough money each month so that you can quit your nightmarish 9-5 job. I’m here to tell you that making that goal the only way to have success will destroy your business and plant you firmly into the overnight success trap.<br> Now, after being clear on that I’m also going to say that you can have overnight success…<br> ...if your change the meaning.<br> You CAN change the meaning, it’s okay, it’s allowed.  After all, you made success mean you need to replace your current income, so you can swap that up right now.<br> It’s time to embrace Every Step Success.<br> Every Step Success means that you count every single action you take towards the building and success of your Freedom Business.<br> Yep, every single one!<br> It seems so easy, but actually it’s not.  Not at all….<br> We want grand, sweeping, massive goal fulfillment and we want it RIGHT NOW.  It has to be the biggest or best for us to feel like we win.<br> <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_gyL1QFcls0" target="_blank">Stop it.</a><br> I’m not saying you shouldn’t have grand, massive goals,